Business Administration - Management and Operations
Business Banker
What is a Business Banker?
A business banker, also known as a commercial or investment banker, generally works in a financial institution and will be allocated a portfolio of businesses, ranging from large businesses to SMME’s (Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises). A business banker would be required to develop a close and trusted relationship with their clients, learn and understand their business goals, manage their business portfolios, and help them to manage their finances successfully.
Typical responsibilities of a business banker would include the following:
- Accurately understanding a business’s requirements and providing appropriate advice on the best banking and financial products to meet the client’s needs.
- Engaging with business clients to build a trusted relationship and be responsive to the client’s needs.
- Acquire and open new business accounts and cross sell business banking products, as required.
- Understand and manage all risks associated with client accounts and ensure compliance to requisite standards, legislation and the Code of Banking Practice.
- Gather accurate data and monitor opportunities and risks associated with client’s banking activities.
- Add value to the client and positively influence client retention by the bank.
Sources: SAGEA Employer Benchmark Insights
Job Descriptions supplied by Standard Bank.
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